My first experience with woodworking was in an Industrial Arts class in junior high school. My memory of those days is terrible, but I do remember that class. I’m not sure if we rotated to all of the different stations, but the three stations I remember taking part in were small engine repair, metalworking, and woodworking. I know two of the other stations were brick laying and pouring a concrete slab. The first thing I did was small engine repair. We had to take apart an engine and put it back together. The second station was metalworking where I made a wrought iron candle holder. I believe I gave it to my mom. I’d imagine she still has it as she doesn’t like to get rid of anything. (I love you mom.) The third and final station was woodworking where I made a chess board (pictured). That picture was taken today (4/4/16), and that chess board sits on the bar in my basement. Upon close examination, there are several nicks and dings and one of the seams is splitting, but for being approximately 28 years old, I’d say it held up well.